Band Bio
Capone is an all out 80’s Hair Band experience delivering a high energy, elaborate,
powerful show with flash and style paying tribute to such bands as Motley Crue, Poison, Ratt,
and Warrant, just to name a few. Complete with the real monster hair, tattoos, tight pants,
bright lights, and all the make-up you can handle.
Capone's live shows are a high octane fuel for crowd participation and entertainment.
Realizing their combined love for hard rock, hair metal music, and having played together in
various bands in the past, the members of Capone figured the time for action was now.
The band consists of 4 members, from 4 different, well known, talented bands from across the midwest region, brought together to revive and celebrate the mayhem of the 80's monster rock bands. Capone is fresh, tight and ready to go on tour and spread their brand of sleazy 80's rock n' roll to the rest of the United States and beyond. This is not just some knock-off 80s cover band or some haggard old tribute band struggling to keep the flame of one band's legacy flickering. Capone performs many hits from the 80's Hair Band Rock Era as they strive to create an extraordinary sensory experience from the first note to the last.
Capone is a full force, 80s Hair Band rock production that is nothing short of amazing.
Best Cover Band - by River Front Times St. Louis
It takes some serious cojones to take on a part-time job (and full-time hobby) with the sole purpose of reviving '80s hair metal. It would appear, then, that Capone is ballsy. The tribute band goes all out in its almost Spinal Tap-like quest to introduce audiences to the full hair metal experience: Mötley Crüe, Warrant, Poison and Ratt all make appearances on a setlist devoted to girls, girls, girls and hairspray, hairspray, hairspray. If you can take your eyes away from the band members' pipe-cleaner-tight pants, you'll find that the cheese factor of the show is nestled comfortably below an aggressive light show, minor mayhem, generous tattoos and some genuine entertainment.

Best Tribute Band - by River Front Times St. Louis
Capone would call itself a "cover" band, but we think that label is an undersell. A "cover" band simply performs songs by artists its members enjoy, whereas a "tribute" band transforms itself into those very artists. While Capone holds no allegiance to any one band in particular, its members' devotion to all things hair metal — down to the falsetto vocals, stage makeup, skulls and innumerable bandanas — converts what would be just another run-of-the-mill '80s cover-band experience into something much more. The unrepentant love that the band shows the genre and time period causes its live show to ascend to its own truly unique experience — blur your eyes a little and forget all the songs you've ever heard by the likes of Mötley Crüe or Poison, and you'd swear that this was a band kicking out its own original jams.
Chad Garrison (River Front Times)
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Est. 2008